At Swanwick Writers' Summer School, Derbyshire, UK.
11.15am-12.15pm, and 2.15pm-3.15pm
Finding your voice is the gold at the end of the rainbow for emerging writers. It’s about much more than style and technique; it’s a journey that moves us from trying (consciously or unconsciously) to emulate others, to learning how to sound like our self.
Find our voice, and we open up a direct channel between the expression of the writer, and the effect on the reader. Voice not only underlies all creative work, but also informs our approach to publishers, agents, and marketing via social media.
During this course we’ll look at questions such as: What does it mean to write ‘authentically’? How can we sound like ourselves? (And for that matter who are we in the first place?) Be prepared to get philosophical and psychological!
Tickets available from Swanwick Writers' Summer School.