Learn to use words well. Craft them to bring experience alive and to speak of what is beyond words.
We’ll use journalling, poetry, and the short story as vehicles to explore specific techniques: from the smallest - such as line breaks and enjambement - to the wider questions of narrative arc, point-of-view, metaphor, voice, and block and flow.
Please come willing to use personal experience as a basis for writing. Skills taught can be taken out into all forms/genres of writing - both fiction and non-fiction.
Saturday 25th November 2023
10am- 5pm
Studio 34 - Integrative Arts Psychotherapy space
Bickerton House, Bickerton Road
Archway, London
Cost: £99
Lunch, as well as tea, coffee and biscuits are included in the price.
Some concessionary places available
Places must be booked in advance. Booking and further info:
email: josieparker2000@yahoo.co.uk or tel: 07908229835
The day will take place in the art studio and on the roof terrace with its extraordinary views of London. No previous familiarity (or confidence) with words is required! Suitable for your own creative exploration as well as for therapists/teachers wishing to develop skills for client, student and patient groups.