Non-dual Poetry Sharing and Creative Writing Techniqu
You are invited to bring a poem or short piece of creative prose to read. We will discuss each offering and Bridget will share word-crafting techniques.
You are invited to bring a poem or short piece of creative prose to read. We will discuss each offering and Bridget will share word-crafting techniques.
Enjoy a meditation on the nature of words. It is followed by a word-crafting and word-sharing session. Sorry, but this event is no longer taking bookings!
Enjoy a meditation on the nature of words. It is followed by a word-crafting and word-sharing session. Sorry, but This event is no longer taking bookings!
In London, in November. Learn to use words well. Craft them to bring experience alive and to speak of what is beyond words.
Technique to take words beyond words; guided writing meditation; inspiring readings
Liberate Your Writing Workshop at Penzance Literary Festival
Re-Wilding The Writer - talk at Penzance Literary Festival
1-1 writing surgeries to discuss any aspect of your project
Technique to take words beyond words; guided writing meditation; inspiring readings
Inspiring quotes; technique; a prompt and writing time; sharing work in the group
In this month’s online group: writing techniques, readings of inspiring poetry and short prose, a writing ‘experiment’ (prompt) to undertake and time for sharing work.
In this regular monthly online group, Bridget offers a fusion of the sacred/spiritual, psychological/therapeutic and nature-based creative writing theory, skills and practice. Readings of inspirational poetry and short prose.
In this regular monthly online group, Bridget offers a fusion of the sacred/spiritual, psychological/therapeutic and nature-based creative writing theory and practice. Readings of inspirational poetry and short prose.
As we approach Valentine’s Day you’ll be guided to craft a love poem that acts as a portal and expression of True Nature. ❤️
As we approach Valentine’s Day you’ll be guided to craft a love poem that speaks of an aspect of connection to nature. ❤️
A workshop using words to explore, express and deepen our relationship with Being. And readings of inspirational poetry
A three-hour, once-a-month online group. We’ll use words to explore non-duality and our relationship with Being.
The Wild Words retreat for 2022 takes place in Puivert, the home village of the co-facilitators of this retreat
10 am –4 pm
Tickets £40 in advance from Redwing Gallery, or Eventbrite:
As writers, storytellers and poets our task is to find ways to express what is beyond words, to make people see differently and to convey the vastest via the smallest signs – those ink marks on the page. This is a practical day brim full of small writing experiments to help you achieve that.
Bridget will begin with the premise that storytelling is fundamental to organismic self-regulation; through it, human beings survive, and thrive.
We’ll look at the (often unconscious) structures and techniques that we apply when telling effective stories, as well as gain an equal understanding of what, at times, sabotages that process.
Turning traditional creative writing on its head, rather than just applying ‘fixes’ on the page, you’ll be encouraged to reconnect with your embodied experience as a starting point for investigating a range of subjects including sensory impressions, body sensations, emotion, point of view, the narrative arc, rhythm, tension, voice, character and dialogue.
It’s a day designed to help you develop your love of word crafting and give you confidence in your natural storyteller abilities.
A talk by Bridget Holding, followed by Q&A session
Monday 11th July, Doors open 6:00 pm for 6:30 pm
The Redwing Gallery,
Penzance, Cornwall
£7 in advance from Redwing Gallery, or Eventbrite:
Human beings tell and write stories naturally and without effort. Words and imagination often do more than help us thrive: they save our lives. So why is it that we sometimes can’t find what to say, end up with uncompleted projects in a drawer or just feel dissatisfied with the results of our word-crafting? This is an exploration of block and flow by psychotherapist, writer and founder of Wild Words Bridget Holding. How can we find our voices and the stories we need to tell? And how can we make sure we finish what we start…?
Sunday 12th June 2022
10am- 5pm
Studio 34 - Integrative Arts Psychotherapy space
Bickerton House, Bickerton Road
Archway, London. N19 5JT
Cost: £80. A limited number of concessionary places are available.
Please contact hello@wildwords.org to book your place, or for further information.
Using a process known as ‘found verse’ Bridget will facilitate a safe group space in which, using verbatim words as a basis, you’ll transform experiences – from joyful to traumatic – into spoken and written poems.
In the process, we’ll share experiences, track down our authentic voice and discover the stories we truly need to tell. You’ll come away with both individually and collaboratively crafted work.
To support this process there will be readings of inspirational poems and art, montage and body awareness exercises.
Bridget will address subjects including sensory impressions, body sensations, emotion, point of view, the narrative arc, rhythm, tension, voice, character and dialogue, form, working with personal and/or traumatic material, and the role of storytelling in enabling human beings to survive and thrive.
We’ll explore the (often unconscious) structures and techniques that, when we sit down to write, creates the idea of ‘block’, as well as gain an equal understanding of how to arrive at ‘flow’.
By the end of the workshop you’ll have used the smallest signs to covey the most vast, transformed the unspeakable into words, and laughed a great deal with like-minded souls.
Some parts of the day will take place in the nearby park or heath. Please bring coldproof, waterproof clothing, writing materials (laptops welcome but please also bring hand writing materials) and lunch. Tea/coffee and cake will be provided. No previous familiarity (or confidence) with words is required! Suitable for your own creative/therapeutic exploration as well as for therapists/teachers wishing to develop skills for client, student and patients groups.
‘The One True Word Project’ and the process known as ‘found verse’ was developed by psychotherapist, writer and founder of Wild Words Bridget Holding in response to distressing world situations. It offers safe group spaces, word-crafting skills and a public platform to enable the processing of emotion and the communicating of experience through words. The project publishes poetry and short prose online. Work is also read aloud on the ground where it has been written, and sent in letter form to interested parties.
The day will focus on transforming personal experience into poetry, and will include many examples of the inspiring words of others. We'll use 'found verse' as a gateway into learning techniques and exploring block and flow in writing. All skills are transferable into other genres of writing.
Bring your own drinks, snacks and lunch. Some parts of the day will take place outdoors, so come with cold-proof, waterproof clothing. Also bring writing materials – laptops are welcome but please also bring hand writing materials.
No previous familiarity (or confidence) with words is required! The day is suitable for your own creative/therapeutic exploration as well as for therapists/teachers wishing to develop skills for client, student and patients groups.
If you need accomodation for the night(s) before or after the workshop, let us know, and we can arrange that for you. And if you’d like any individual tuition while you’re here, Bridget would be happy to talk about that.
Thursday 17th until Tuesday 22nd September 2020: A retreat for writers/storytellers/poets…
A 6-week small group online course: Liberate Those Wild Words. Begins the week of the 13th April.
Words and the Body Retreat- Finding flow and creativity in writing/spoken word and Chi Gung
Twelve, hour-long sessions, one a month, to get you from start to finish on a project.
The mentoring scheme runs over twelve months. The scheme is composed of twelve hour-long sessions (one a month), via Skype/telephone or in person. The process is tailored to individual needs, and offers:
A retreat for writers/storytellers/poets who wish to engage primarily with guided group activities. Morning movement practice, four hours a day of tuition, peer support group, evening talks, and 1-1 time with a tutor.
Unleash the passion, power and vitality in your spoken, sung and written words. Find the story you need to tell. Go from beginning to end on your project.
For those who work in environmental organisations, and/or would like to access creativity and health.
We will be both playful and serious, using body-based work, arts, writing and nature, to explore our relationship to the inner and outer ‘wilds’. Re-wilding ourselves, for our own survival and thriving, and that of the planet.
Website by a monk